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Sheryl Crow的《Wildflower》 歌词


歌手:Sheryl Crow


Sheryl Crow - Wildflower

Quiet EYES

You have always been my wildflower

Showing up wherever beauty's lost its way

Your heart must break

I was free

Until I heard the song you sang me

Pulling me away from everything I knew

To be with you

And everything I know just fades away

And every time you go it hurts me so

I don't know why WHEN I know we're free

Free to fly

Here we are

Burning faster than the CLOSEST star

Falling back down to the Earth

I love you so it sometimes hurts

Closer still

You will find me standing on the hill

Waiting for you with my arms stretched open wide

Now, come inside

And everything I know just fades away

And every time you go it hurts me so

I don't know why WHEN I know we're free

Free to fly

And everything I know just fades away

And where the wildflower grows it picks its space

And that's the way it is when nature plays its lovely hand

We'll understand everything

Everything, everything

Sheryl Crow的《Sideways》 歌词


歌手:Sheryl Crow

专辑:100 Miles From Memphis

Dierks Bentley - Life On The Run

Hey girl, what's your name?

It's so loud in here I can't hear a thing,

But I sure do like your style,

And I can see you came to rock

In your blue jeans and white tank top;

Man that look drives me wild.

And it's hey now here we go.

D-j don't you play nothing slow

Keep those girls out on the floor

Gotta make them want to come back for more.

Been here since the sun went down,

Be here when it comes back around

Worked all week it's time to play

Gonna get a little bit sideways


Ain't no need to fight

Y'all take that redneck stuff outside

That's what parking lots are for.

Once you're out you ain't coming back

The man on the ropes ain't got no slack.

Man they're busting down the door!

And it's hey now here we go

D-J don't you play nothing slow

Keep those girls out on the floor

Gotta make 'em wanna come back for more.

Been here since the sun went down

Be here when it comes back around

Worked all week it's time to play

Gonna get a little bit sideways


That's right

Hey now here we go

(hey now here we go)

D-j don't you play nothing slow

Gotta make 'em wanna (what?)

gotta make 'em wanna (what?)

gotta make 'em wanna come back for more.

Hey now here we go

D-J don't you play nothing slow

Keep those girls out on the floor

Gotta make 'em wanna come back for more

Been here since the sun went down

Be here when it comes back around

Worked all week it's time to play

Gonna get a little bit sideways (na na na na na)


Hey girl what's your name?

It's so loud in here I can't hear a thing.

Sheryl Crow的《Carolina》 歌词


歌手:Sheryl Crow

专辑:Message In A Bottle

喜欢瓶中信 ·









喜欢·~· 淡淡的描绘。。却记忆犹新


Her tears are falling like the spanish moss


Into beauty found in beauty lost

So it goes

The summer blooms and fades away

Like moonlight falling on a bed

And there can be no solice in remembering

The words we never said

Of all the places she loves best

Faded postcards

Take her far away

As she presses wrinkles from her cotton dress

So it goes

The summer blooms and fades away

Like moonlight falling on a bed

And there can be no solice in remembering

The words we never said

So it goes

The summer blooms and fades away

Like moonlight crashing to the earth

And there can be no solice in remembering

The way things never were



Sheryl Crow的《In Need》 歌词

歌曲名:In Need

歌手:Sheryl Crow

专辑:Everyday Is a Winding Road (1996)

Sheryl Crow - In Need

Every night I dream you're next to me


You say my name

You stay close enough to keep me here

Then disappear

When we're face to face

And if you carry me tonight

I would be strong enough to fight

And when you're weak and can't go on

I'd be the bed you lay upon

And blue is blue

And so am I

Cause I want to be with you tonight

You're not the only one in need

You know everybody's watching me

And what they see

Is me watching you

In the middle, time is creeping by

And I wonder why

You're so removed

And if you carry me tonight

I would be strong enough to fight

And when you're weak and can't go on

I'd be the bed you lay upon

And blue is blue

And so am I

Cause I want to be with you tonight

You're not the only one in need

Come on baby

Life is just a net into which you dive

And I'm getting

Closer to you now

If I love you

Will you run away

And if I stay

Will I disappear

And if you carry me tonight

I would be strong enough to fight

And when you're weak and can't go on

I'd be the bed you lay upon

And blue is blue

And so am I

Cause I want to be with you tonight

And blue is blue

And so are we

And you're not the only one in need

Sheryl Crow - In Need

Real Gone - Sheryl Crow 歌词

Real Gone-Sheryl Crow


I'm American made, Bud Light, Chevrolet

My momma taught me wrong from right

I was born in the south

Sometimes I have a big mouth

When I see something that I don't like

I gotta say it

We been driving this road

For a mightly long time

Payin' no mind to the signs

Well this neighborhood's changed

It's all been rearranged

We left that change somewhere behind

Slow down, you're gonna crash

Baby you were screamin'

It's a blast, blast, blast

Look out babe you got your blinders on

Everybody's lookin' for a way

To get real gone, real gone

Real Gone

There's a new cat in town

He's got high paid friends

Thinks he's gonna change history

You think you know him so well

Yeah you think he's so swell

But he's just perpetuatin' prophecy

Come on now

Slow down, you're gonna crash

Baby you were screamin'

It's a blast, blast, blast

Look out, you got your blinders on

Everybody's lookin' for a way

To get real gone

Real gone

Real gone

Real gone

Well, you can say what you want

But you can't say it 'round here

'Cause they'll catch you and give you a whippin'

Well I belive I was right

When I said you were wrong

You didn't like the sound of that

Now did ya?

Slow down, you're gonna crash

Baby you were screamin'

It's a blast, blast, blast

Look out, you got your blinders on

Everybody's lookin' for a way

To get real gone

Well here I come, And I'm so not scared

Got my pedal to the metal

Got my hands in the air

Well look out, you take your blinders off

Everybody's lookin' for a way

To get real gone, real gone

Real Gone

Real Gone

Real Gone.




在google中搜索“Real Gone Lyric Sheryl Crow ”就能搜到一堆答案了!Have Fun!

Sheryl Crow的《Rise Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Rise Up

歌手:Sheryl Crow



TV动画『PRISM ARK』OP『そして仆は…』副歌

作词:吉野麻希 Maki Yoshino

作曲:滨田智之 Tomoyuki Hamada

歌:プリーシア(CV:榊原ゆい Yui Sakakibara)



今日もまた 泣いては【此时此刻 再次哭泣时】

震えている【心 不禁颤动】


まばゆい ゲラデーション【耀眼的朝霞照亮四方】



静かに太阳が【静静地 那光辉万丈的太阳】



きっといつか 强くなるから【也必将变得坚强】

爱する人 信じること【心爱的人 我始终相信你】


この时を 今刻みながら【将这个特殊的时刻 刻烙在心底】

「永远」に繋がる【让“永远”化作现实 不再是梦】

その笑颜が そう このまま【像那份美丽的笑容一样】

途切れないようにと【延续不息 永无终止】

いつまでも 命ある限り【即使生命有限】



平気でいるのは ねえ【也不会在乎】

悲しいね 大切なもの【因为那失去后会让我悲伤的 独一无二的珍宝】







手を伸ばして 探す奇迹【将手伸出吧 去探寻那一个个奇迹】



谛めることを 决してやめないから【从此不再轻言放弃】


爱の光 そっと照らす限り【爱的光芒早已超越任何极限】

いつだって 仆らの未来は【在遥远的某时 我们的未来】

确かにあるはず【一定会存在 等待我们的到来】

爱する人 いつの日にか【心爱的人 若能在以后的某日】


この时を また 刻みながら【我必将此再次刻烙心间】


その涙も その痛みも【那泪水也好 那伤痛也好】



全てのことから 守ってみせるよ【请让我守护你的所有 直到永远】

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