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尼采的诗《孤独》 艾青的诗《希望》

尼采的诗《孤独》 艾青的诗《希望》
尼采的诗《孤独》 艾青的诗《希望》


1、这是我去国外的网站上找到的,来自于一篇对尼采的《孤独》这首诗的文学赏析,“Poem of “Loneliness” by Friedrich Nietzsche”,作者是用英文写的,在文中同时引用了德文(尼采的母语)的英文两个版本。


3、来源网站: LONELINESS Friedrich Nietzsche The crows scream And flying into town with the buzz: The snow will fall soon- Be happy is he who is now still having homeland! Now you’re standing rigidly, Looking at back, ah! How long already! Why are you an idiot Because winter in the world- escape? The world is gate To a thousand of dumb and cold deserts! Which loss, Which you are lose, will not stop anywhere. Now you’re standing palely, to be cursed to wander the winter, Like smoke, Whom are looking for a cooler sky always. Fly, bird, sing Your song in tone-desert-bird! - Hide it, you’re a fool, Your bleeding hearts is in the ice and ridicule! The crows scream And flying into town with the buzz: The snow will come down soon Woe to him who doesn’t have homeland! 。


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