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Small drops of water to see the big world

A review of the "water" second stages of parents' Education Seminar

Parents of course, as the course highlights water ", became the primary school cottage special courses, has been" all the teachers are based on the source of "home school together, the premise of resource sharing, the unique personality characteristics of the parents to bring children into the classroom, another piece of blue sky.

First grade, we focus on the theme of the museum, launched a series of unique characteristics of the course of the grass. From the parents into the classroom for children to visit the Museum of various visits; from Uncle Wang Fei gave us a lively classroom "flower face", to all the teachers and students went to Du Fu Thatched Cottage, looking for flowers and expression; handmade, watch movies, New Year paintings about the Revolutionary Museum theme tabloid and comprehensive practical activities, and the children after this year's influence, have more understanding of the essence of the "Museum" of the abstract noun, this little bit of accumulation effect always believe, can let the child after entering the door of enlightenment, go farther, go better.

Today (September 14, 2011), "the source" of the teachers and some parents and friends gathered together. In the elegant guest to the conference room, we are together to explore the two year of the parent program. This year, the parents of course identified as "a small drop of water to see the big world", as the name implies, is from the child's eyes to appreciate the broad world, let the children to experience life in the books, to the perception of life during the trip.

At the beginning of the meeting, President Tang Yan grade teacher over the past year the parents courses do comprehensive review and summary, at the same time to determine this year's theme is "parents of course, a small drop of water to see the big world, thank you in the past year as the" water "parents' education and the contribution of family friends. Then, when teaching the first grade parents, do they think after class and the exchange of experience, parents speak off the reel, feelings and suggestions on closely reasoned and well argued that the primary school classroom no less than those of us professional teachers. After listening to the experiences and suggestions after the class teacher this semester is to lead the class parents, in-depth and detailed discussion. From the beginning to the end, we have only one purpose, so that every child has the water source is not the same every day.

Through a solid year, we have more experience and confidence, we believe that "water" parents of course, will be out of gorgeous flowers in this fertile land, bear the sweet fruit.





今天(2011年9月14日),“水之源”的老师和部分家长朋友又聚集在一起。 在雅致的客至会议室,我们一起来探讨二年级的家长课程。本学年的家长课程确定为“小水滴看大世界”,顾名思义,就是从孩子的眼睛里去领略这个博大的世界,让孩子们在书本中去感受生活,在旅行中去感悟人生。





田径:Track and field 赛艇:Races boats

羽毛球:Badminton 垒球:Softball

篮球:Basketball 足球:Soccer

拳击:Boxing 皮划艇:Leather canoe 自行车:Bicycle 击剑:Fencing

体操:Gymnastics 举重:Weight lifting

手球:Handball 曲棍球:Hockey

柔道:Judo 摔跤:Wrestling

水上项目:Aquatic project 棒球:Baseball

现代五项:Modern five items马术:Horse-riding

跆拳道:Tae Kwon Do 网球:Tennis

乒乓球:Ping pong 射击:Fire

射箭:Archery 排球:Volleyball

铁人三项:Iron man three items

帆船帆板:Sailing ship windsurfboard


np = no problem; ty or thx = thank you; idk = i don't know; afk = away from keyboard; brb = be right back; omg = oh my god; u = you; r = are; 2 = to/too; 4 = for; b = be; b4 = before; n = and; n2 = into; k = okay; y = why; asl = age, sex (gender), location; ez = easy; bz = busy; c = see; o = oh; ttyl = talk to you later; 99 = night night; sum1 = someone; ne1 = anyone; neways = anyways; lol = laugh out loud; rofl = rolling on the floor laughing; lmao = laughing my ass off; b/c or cuz = because; w/ = with; dun = don't, 3 = love/heart why don't you teach us the chinese ones? i don't know too many, just 881, 886, and 55 (sad).






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